drkunalphodse@precisionsmiles.in +91 97570 09502 Chembur


Teeth cleaning aka scaling is a dental procedure which involves cleaning of surface debris(plaque and calculus) off your tooth surface.Tooth polishing is a dental procedure that leaves your tooth enamel glossy and smooth.

This procedure can freshen your breath and help you avoid tooth decay if done as advised by us at Precision Smiles Dental Care.


Q.1. How frequently does one need to get scaling done?

Scaling and polishing is usually recommended bi-annually. However one may need a higher frequency or lower depending on habits, rate of calculus formation, surface abnormalities if any. Kindly make us a visit to know more about your ideal frequency.

Q.2. It is said that my teeth will become sensitive after treatment. Is it true?

Teeth remain sensitive after the treatment for a couple of hours or a day max. This is because your teeth now I’ll clean enough that they can sense the actual temperature of food, fluids in reality due to the absence of debris. However your body recovered from this in couple of hours.

Q.3. Will my teeth become shaky after the treatment?

Your teeth will become shaky only if the bone support is already compromised. You may have a false sense of rigidity in your teeth because of the presence of calculus. However this calculus which also gives you a false sense of rigidity is causing your bone to degenerate further and will lead to the teeth becoming shaky & eventually falling off. So after the treatment little amount of shakiness in your teeth or emptiness as you would feel after treatment, is expected. This will recover in 2 to 3 days. Kindly contact us and ask any doubts that you have regarding this by visiting us at Precision Smiles Dental Care.

Q.4. Will my teeth become white after cleaning?

Teeth cleaning does not mean whitening of teeth. However you would get your natural shade of teeth back which was not visible due to food debris, surface debris making them appear yellow.

Q.5. Is the treatment painful?

Scaling and polishing is considered as least painful of all treatments. However some people have reduced pain threshold wherein we can spray topical anaesthetic on the teeth surface and gums to make the experience comfortable.