drkunalphodse@precisionsmiles.in +91 97570 09502 Chembur


Dental braces are appliances which are used to straighten the teeth to the correct position. They are made up of wires, brackets, and bands. Braces aid to correct irregular teeth positioning, jaw correction, improvement in chewing and smile and appearance causing a boost in personality. Come for a consult & we shall guide you guide on treatment options depending upon condition.


The major reason for getting Braces on is to improve the facial appearance, however other implications which require orthodontic treatment like open bite, jaw structure, crossbite which may arise from habits like thumb sucking, mouth breathing etc. can be corrected by braces.


The growing up stage where permanent teeth replace primary teeth which aid in appearance, speech, and digestion is where these problems start making an appearance. During this phase, people can face many issues which can be corrected by Braces. These issues include:

  • Crowding / wrongly placed teeth can lead to poor oral hygiene and lead to Dental Caries (Cavities)
  • Improper Bite that affects chewing efficiency or speech.
  • Crooked teeth which can be a major reason for Periodontal problems such as Bleeding Gums, Halitosis (Bad Breath) and Tooth pain due to improper chewing.
  • If the teeth are irregular, then it can cause calculus deposits leading to yellow teeth or brown deposits between teeth.
  • Forwardly or backwardly placed chin which gives a different from normal face profile.
  • Open Bite.
  • The spacing between teeth which can cause speech problems.


The stage when one has a combination of both primary and permanent teeth in the mouth is a classic stage in children apt for getting braces treatment done as growing body provides much help in terms of changes. Wearing Braces in this stage cure the following problems:

  • Jaw Growth disorders at this stage can be corrected in a non-invasive manner which may later need surgery & hospitalization.
  • Treatment of crooked teeth at an early stage helps develop Child’s psychology leading to a confident individual.


Orthodontic treatment can be started as young as 10 years old. There is no upper limit in terms of age for Braces. If you have good oral health and firm teeth, you can get braces at any age. There is various kind of Orthodontic treatment available for all ages.


Metal Conventional Braces:

These are the traditional and most common type of braces. The metal braces used today are much more comfortable and smaller in size. These require elastics (tiny rubber bands) to tie the wire to the braces. The wires use your body growth patterns to move teeth more quickly and less painfully. There is no age limit attached to these, as patients of all ages can choose to straighten their teeth using metal braces.

Metal Self Ligating Braces

These are metal Brackets with a Click-lock system and do not require the use of elastics. In comparison to traditional metal braces, metal self-ligating braces are more comfortable and smaller in size. Also these variant make the hygiene maintenance easier for the patient.

Ceramic Conventional Braces

Ceramic braces are the ones with clear brackets. They use tooth color and blends more naturally with your teeth. Most adults choose this option due to an active social/professional life. The shape and size are the same as metal braces but these are less visible on the teeth. Sometimes, even the wires used are of tooth color which makes them less noticeable.

Lingual Braces

Lingual Braces are metal braces which are placed behind the teeth. These metallic braces can be made even in gold making them more bio-compatible(Body accepts this without any difficulty). The individual Bracket is customized using CAD-CAM / 3D Designing. The treatment is highly aesthetic and less visible. This, however, can cause mild speech difficulties during the course of the treatment hence is case-sensitive.


Clear Aligners are medical grade plastic trays that do not require any braces or wire. They are totally invisible hence; the aesthetic concerns are duly met and make them very appealing with adults who need orthodontic treatment. They do not have any food restrictions associated and are removable. Aligners are highly comfortable and hygienic. They also hide existing gaps if any.


  • Brush & Floss twice a day to keep your teeth healthy. Healthy teeth respond better to the treatment.
  • Visit us on time for follow-ups.
  • Be patient. The treatment duration may vary depending on the case. The teeth will take the time to adjust accordingly.



  • Try and avoid sticky & hard food like gum or caramel or popcorn.
  • Consume drinks which are low on sugar content and non aerated.
  • Brush after every meal and never let food get stuck on your braces


  • Don’t chew hard food and ice
  • Do not bite your fingernails


Q.1. How Long Does It Take To Put Braces On?

It takes about 1-2 hours for the process to finish.

Q.2. Are Teeth Extracted For Orthodontic Treatment?

Not all cases need this. Only if there is a serious crowding issue, one or two teeth need to be removed in each jaw. But these spaces are closed off by the end of treatment by your natural teeth.

Q.3. What Color Braces Should One Get?

There is a variety of options available and it depends on the you as to what you would like. For more information on what kind of braces will be more suitable for your needs, visit us.

Q.4. Are Braces Painful?

Getting or having braces is not painful. However, slight discomfort and soreness are usual after getting them which you will get accustomed to in couple of weeks.

Q.5. How Long Do One Need To Wear Braces?

The total duration of wearing dental braces depends on multiple factors that include the condition of teeth and compliance to oral care practices. Usually, the duration may vary from 18-36 months.

Q.6. What Can You Not Eat With Braces On?

While Braces treatment is on, one must definitely avoid any carbonated drinks, sticky food, and crunchy food.


Clear Aligners are transparent trays made of special material which are used to straighten teeth just like braces. They use gentle and constant force to move the teeth in the required position, by means of set of sequential trays to be worn by patient for a specified number of days before shifting to next one. They are custom made for each patient through a digital scan.


Custom fit is achieved by digitally recording and processing the information using specialized software, where the future projections for better results and straighter teeth are computed and then the 3D printing machine automatically custom fabricates the set of trays for you.

The aligners come with an advantage i.e. they are very snugly fitting which over a period becomes virtually a part of the body and hence causes no speech problems. There are no restrictions on eating and drinking any foods as you will be removing them before every meal.


Though aligners are the most comfortable option, yet there are certain things that need to be kept in mind while you have it on. Our Orthodontist will give you a set of guidelines which should be followed diligently such as below:

  • You should wear the aligners for at least 20 hours a day for the effective results
  • Remove your aligners while brushing, flossing & eating. Never have it on especially while consuming anything hot
  • Keep your aligners clean. While you brush make sure that you brush your aligners in the same way
  • Keep them safe in the box as given by us to prevent it from getting dirty.


  • Retain your smile with Retainer – We mostly provide fixed retainers which will prevent your teeth to shift back to their previous location.
  • Take care of your food habits – It may so happen that your teeth are sensitive after the treatment, therefore, it is advised to not consume, too crunchy food for a few days. Slowly you can move on with your regular life with caution.
  • Do not forget to brush – Keep up your habit of brushing twice a day and flossing in order to keep your teeth clean and healthy. Not taking good care of your oral hygiene will let the treatment go in vain.
  • Visit your dentist – Always visit us after every 6 months to ensure that this smile remains intact. These followup visits are a part of your treatment.


Q.1. Are Aligners As Good As Braces?

Yes. Infact they are considered much superior. Aligners offer multiple advantages over traditional braces. Aligners are way more comfortable than traditional teeth braces. However, patients still need to be very disciplined about wearing aligners for ensuring treatment success.

Q.2. Can Anyone Get Aligners?

Clear Aligners are an ideal orthodontic treatment for people of all ages. They are discreet, hassle-free and very effective. However, compliance is more demanding in the case of younger individuals. Parents considering aligners for their children must consult us to know if their child is a fit canditate for the same.

Q.3. Are The Results Permanent?

The results are permanent only if patients practice proper aftercare. There is a natural tendency for teeth to relapse after teeth aligners are removed. Ideally, retainers are used to avoid any chances of relapse. We shall guide you better based on your case regarding this.

Q.4. Are There Any Side-Effects Of The Treatment?

No, there are no side effects. Aligners are one of the safest orthodontics treatment. Chances of irritation and discomfort are extremely negligible and most patients get accustomed to aligners within 2-3 weeks.

Q.5. What Is The Price Of Treatment?

Aligners are costlier than traditional braces. Further, aligners cost vary depending upon a patient’s smile restoration needs. However, considering its effectiveness in getting a perfect smile, the treatment is worth all its costs. This is the best value for money treatment which you shall never regret.

Traditional Braces Clear Aligners
Visibility Highly Noticeable
Removability Non – Removable
Oral Hygiene Difficult to maintain routine healthy Oral Care
Comfort Can cause abrasion in mouth
Duration Takes longer than aligners(varies from case to case)